China Town Hall

Join us for an important China Town Hall with Fareed Zakaria, with special guest moderator Kenneth Jarrett, former president of AmCham Shanghai.


October 19, China Town Hall Agenda:

  • 6:45pm-7:00pm EDT, Pre-event warm up and networking
  • 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT, China Town Hall by Fareed Zakaria
  • 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT, China Business Briefing by Kenneth Jarrett, Q&A

Kenneth Jarrett is a Senior Advisor at ASG, where he draws on decades of business and diplomatic experience in China and across East Asia to provide perspective and advice to businesses, investors, and other organizations with interest in the region.

Most recently, Mr. Jarrett spent five years as President of the American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai. Under his leadership, the Chamber helped hundreds of companies establish and grow their networks in China and navigate operational and regulatory challenges.

Previously, Mr. Jarrett was a distinguished diplomat whose positions included service as Consul General in Shanghai, and as Deputy Consul General in Hong Kong. His 26-year foreign service career also included postings in Beijing, Chengdu, and Singapore. His government roles in Washington, D.C, included serving as Director of Asian Affairs at the White House National Security Council. Following his government service, Mr. Jarrett served as Chairman of Greater China for APCO Worldwide.

Mr. Jarrett is a frequent commentator on the business environment in China, and he has been quoted in outlets including Bloomberg, the Economist, the Financial Times, the Los Angeles Times, the New York Times, and the Wall Street Journal, among others.

He is the recipient of the Magnolia Award (Silver) from the Shanghai government and is a member of the National Committee for U.S.-China Relations.

Mr. Jarrett earned an M.A. in East Asian Studies from Yale University and an M.A. in National Security Studies from the National War College. He received a B.A. in History from Cornell University. He speaks Mandarin Chinese.

He is based in Shanghai, China.

About ASG: Albright Stonebridge Group (ASG) is the premier global strategy and commercial diplomacy firm that helps clients understand and successfully navigate the intersection of public, private, and social sectors in international markets. ASG’s worldwide team has served clients in more than 120 countries. Learn more at



此次线上议事厅活动得到了上海美商会的大力支持。奥尔布赖特石桥集团高级顾问Kenneth Jerret(李瑞达)将在线上为会员做解答国际局势对中美经贸关系的影响与走向,并与会员就议事厅主题进行互动交流。


该公司的高级顾问包括瑞典前财政部长P r Nuder,克林顿总统领导下的前环境保护局局长Carol Browner;海外私人投资公司前总裁兼首席执行官Elizabeth Littlefield。
Kenneth Jarrett是ASG的高级顾问,他在那里借鉴了中国和整个东亚数十年的商业和外交经验,为在该地区感兴趣的企业、投资者和其他组织提供观点和建议。


M&A Workshop: Business Culture Transition & Assimilation

As cross-border mergers and acquisitions are happening, how to ensure a smooth transitioning and assimilation of different business culture between China and the US? M3C invites you to join a panel of experts on this subject matter. Join us for this M&A Workshop: Business Culture & Assimilation.

Tuesday, November 17, 2021
from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM EST

Jeff Liu

Guest Speaker: Jeff Liu, CEO, Fuyao Glass USA

Accomplished multicultural global business professional with over 20 years experiences in large scale global manufacturing operations. Experienced as board directors, cross functional organization capabilities, results-oriented, visionary executive with international experiences in supply chain operations. Expertise in communication, problem solving and multi-functional diverse audience through extensive leadership experience in North America, Asia Pacific, China and Europe. A respectful and trustworthy leader, experienced in developing and leading high performing team as well as coaching and motivating the team through challenging organization changes. Specialties: Leadership, Innovation, M&A negotiation, Program management, Strategic sourcing, Sales & marketing, Persuasion, Decision-making, Mentoring, International relations, Vision and imagination.


Diversity, Inclusion & Cultural Awareness Webinar Series by M3C

East Asian Business Etiquette

Join the upcoming webinar series sponsored by Midwest USA Chinese Chamber of Commerce focusing on explaining how the history and various ideologies influence the East Asian region, so as to help executives and managers to be aware of the cultural nuances in day to day operation.

Tuesday, March 30, 2021
from 9:00 AM to 9:45 AM

If you and your colleagues would like to learn about East Asian cultures and get some basic understanding of the history, ideologies and cultural nuances, please register below and hear from subject matter experts how such learning may help your business.


Jobs Ohio and Jiangsu Dept. of Commerce Investment

江苏省 — 俄亥俄州双向投资合作交流会

12.3 | THURSDAY 星期四 | 20:00-21:30 俄亥俄
12.4 | FRIDAY 星期五 | 09:00-10:30AM 南京


Jiangsu Delegates: Jiangsu Department of Commerce, Meeting Room 802 / 江苏参会者:省贸促会802会议室
Ohio Delegates: Zoom Webinar / 美方参会者:Zoom线上参会
Webinar ID / 会议登录码:  977 6688 9909
Passcode / 密码: 888888


Jiangsu delegates from Jiangsu Department of Commerce, CCPIT Jiangsu and representatives of companies
江苏方 商务厅领导及有关处室负责人 贸促会领导及有关部门负责人企业代表

Ohio delegates from JobsOhio and representatives of companies
俄州方 经济发展署及中国代表处负责人 企业代表


为推动江苏省与俄亥俄州经贸交流合作,省商务厅会同省贸促会、俄亥俄州经济发 展署,以线上线下结合方式,共同举办江苏—俄亥俄双向投资合作交流会,聚焦省 州投资政策与营商环境,搭建多方沟通交流平台,促进中美企业间投资合作。

To promote economic & investment exchanges and cooperation between Jiangsu Province and the State of Ohio, the Jiangsu Department of Commerce and JobsOhio, together with the Provincial Council for the Promotion of International Trade will jointly organize a two-way investment dialogue between Jiangsu and Ohio. The event focuses on province to state investment facilitation and promotion on business environment with an aim to build a multi-party communication and exchange platform to encourage investment cooperation between Chinese and American companies.