Jobs Ohio and Jiangsu Dept. of Commerce Investment

江苏省 — 俄亥俄州双向投资合作交流会

12.3 | THURSDAY 星期四 | 20:00-21:30 俄亥俄
12.4 | FRIDAY 星期五 | 09:00-10:30AM 南京


Jiangsu Delegates: Jiangsu Department of Commerce, Meeting Room 802 / 江苏参会者:省贸促会802会议室
Ohio Delegates: Zoom Webinar / 美方参会者:Zoom线上参会
Webinar ID / 会议登录码:  977 6688 9909
Passcode / 密码: 888888


Jiangsu delegates from Jiangsu Department of Commerce, CCPIT Jiangsu and representatives of companies
江苏方 商务厅领导及有关处室负责人 贸促会领导及有关部门负责人企业代表

Ohio delegates from JobsOhio and representatives of companies
俄州方 经济发展署及中国代表处负责人 企业代表


为推动江苏省与俄亥俄州经贸交流合作,省商务厅会同省贸促会、俄亥俄州经济发 展署,以线上线下结合方式,共同举办江苏—俄亥俄双向投资合作交流会,聚焦省 州投资政策与营商环境,搭建多方沟通交流平台,促进中美企业间投资合作。

To promote economic & investment exchanges and cooperation between Jiangsu Province and the State of Ohio, the Jiangsu Department of Commerce and JobsOhio, together with the Provincial Council for the Promotion of International Trade will jointly organize a two-way investment dialogue between Jiangsu and Ohio. The event focuses on province to state investment facilitation and promotion on business environment with an aim to build a multi-party communication and exchange platform to encourage investment cooperation between Chinese and American companies.


Asia Trade Mission by M3C

Asia Trade Mission by M3C | Oct. 15 – Nov. 20

Asia Trade Mission 2020 by M3C aims to propel US companies to succeed in the Phase I US-China Trade Deal in which China agreed to expand purchases of certain US goods and services by a combined $200 billion over 2020 and 2021 from 2017 levels. Join us to promote the US exports and witness as the deal gets implemented.

China Trade Mission

M3C Smart China Expo – August 23 – 25

We continue to exhibit (online) at the Smart China Expo, where some 500,000 people come to explore what smart technologies can do to improve people’s livelihood. Join us to showcase our latest and the greatest innovations.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution or Industry 4.0, is the ongoing transformation of traditional manufacturing and industrial practises combined with the latest smart technology. This primarily focuses on the use of large-scale machine to machine communication (M2M) and Internet of Things (IoT) deployments to provide increased automation, improved communication and self-monitoring, as well as smart machines that can analyze and diagnose issues without the need for human intervention.

Reports have shown that in the US alone:

  • Revenue in the Smart Home market is projected to reach US$24,972m in 2020.
  • Revenue is expected to show an annual growth rate (CAGR 2020-2024) of 16.9%, resulting in a projected market volume of US$46,648m by 2024.
  • Household penetration will be 18.5% in 2020 and is expected to hit 52.4% by 2024.
  • The average revenue per installed Smart Home currently is expected to amount to US$90.56.
Asia, particularly China, remains a robust market and engine for sustainable & smart technologies. Each year in Chongqing, Smart China Expo draws over 500,000 visitors where businesses from all over the world come to showcase their products and services in this sector.
Chongqing Mayor Tang Liangzhi (2nd from right) met with Cincinnati delegation at the Smart China Expo in 2019.

Chongqing Mayor Tang Liangzhi (2nd from right) met with Cincinnati delegation at the Smart China Expo in 2019.

Consul General Mr. Huang Ping Visit to Cincinnati

Our Chamber Welcomed to Cincinnati the
New Consul General Mr. Huang Ping
Consulate General of the
People’s Republic of China in New York
April 10, 2019 from 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM

His Excellency, Mr. Ping HUANG was born in January 1963. He holds a Bachelor of Science and a Masters of Arts and Public Administration degree. His previous assignments include Counselor, Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Canada, Deputy Mayor, Shaoxing City in Zhejiang province, Deputy Director General, the Department of Consular Affairs of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, Consul General, the Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China in Chicago, Director General, Department of Consular Affairs of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People’s Republic of China to the Republic of Zimbabwe.

He was appointed as the new Consul General of the People’s Republic of China in New York in November of 2018.

China Trade Mission: Import Expo – Nov. 2018, Shanghai

A delegation from Greater Cincinnati area attended the 2018 China Import Expo in Shanghai November 5-10 and performed a very successful tour of midwestern or mid central Chinese cities and metropolitans for trade shows and expos, symposiums and seminars, and 1-on-1 business matching events.

  • Venue: National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai)
  • Hosts: Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China
  • Shanghai Municipal People’s Government
  • Supporters:
    The World Trade Organization
    United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
    United Nations Industrial Development Organization

In May 2017, Chinese President Xi Jinping announced at the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation that China will hold China International Import Expo (CIIE) starting from 2018.

It is a significant move for the Chinese government to hold CIIE to give firm support to trade liberalization and economic globalization and actively open the Chinese market to the world. It facilitates countries and regions all over the world to strengthen economic cooperation and trade, and to promote global trade and world economic growth in order to make the world economy more open.

The Chinese government sincerely welcomes government officials, business communities, exhibitors and professional purchasers across the world to participate in CIIE and to explore the Chinese market. We would like to work with all countries, regions and international organizations to make CIIE a world-class Expo, providing new channels for countries and regions to do business, strengthen cooperation and promote common prosperity of the world economy and trade.

GCCCC has reserved a booth at CIIE to showcase products and services from Norther Kentucky, Greater Cincinnati and Greater Dayton region.

Covers Tier 1 cities:

  • Beijing (22MM pop, 2.8TrCNY GDP)
  • Qingdao (10MM pop, 1TrCNY GDP)
  • Shanghai (24MM pop, 3TrCNY GDP)
  • Chongqing (30MM pop, 1.8TrCNY GDP)
  • Guangzhou (11MM pop, 2.15TrCNY GDP)
  • Shenzhen (10MM pop, 2.2TrCNY GDP)
  • Hong Kong (8MM pop, 2TrCNY GDP)

See Map Route below:

For a full presentation of the trade mission details, meetings and outcome and impact on the local regional economy, please send your inquiry to or call 513.501.3087.